The Advantages of Choosing a Lindal Home

With boundless possibilities and numerous home ideas out there – we hope you’re not limiting yourself to a traditional, grey-ish, brick-and-mortar house in a suburban area, are you?

As you commit to spending a great chunk of your life in one postcode area, you aren’t limiting yourself to the most common design, the most traditional construction method, the most predictable floor plan, or mediocre building materials, are you?

Surely you want to be different. Different from all your neighbours. Different from the rest.

Surely you’d want to build a home you love. Why not a Lindal home?

Consistent Quality

Building your dream home is by no means an easy endeavour. Mistakes are more common than many think. Right from the very start – in the planning stage – it is difficult to wrap one’s head around the sheer number of home ideas and designs out there.

Not all ideas from Pinterest or Google Images can be installed optimally, not all of them are built according to the highest construction standards. And half of those which are – lack functionality. Once built, they look and feel unnatural, are uncomfortable to use.

The problem, however, is that by the time these mistakes surface – it’s usually too late. Perfectly unique homes tend to fail in perfectly unique ways. And without foresight, there’s only so much that can be done after you’ve already moved in.

Lindal homes are different. By choosing one of our designs, you choose the quality that has been field-tested. The design you choose has already been installed in numerous other parts of the world, in varying climate conditions; has undergone continuous improvements, and withstood the test of time. When you choose to build your home with us, you don’t need to cross your fingers and hope for the best – you can see how it was already done before.

The Advantages of Choosing a Lindal Home

Time-efficient and Predictable

We respect your time and energy. That’s why all of our unique designs, floor layouts and suggested building materials can be found in one place.

And because of our streamlined manufacturing process, rigorous planning, and years of experience – homes of our design can be built 2x faster than most any traditional option out there. Realistically speaking, your move-in date will be fast-approaching as the whole process will most likely take less than 6 months.

Moreover, the process of constructing a Lindal home is predictable. Start inviting guests for a house-warming party the week after the scheduled finish – and you won’t have to cancel. Results will most certainly be delivered on time and on budget.

Compare that with a typical self-build, where the completion date is always “in a month or two”, and the stark contrast between the two turns into a punchline of a cruel joke.

Environmentally-friendly housing

If the European Union is to achieve its aims to be carbon-neutral by 2050, our approach to house-building and energy-efficiency needs to change. Housing currently accounts for 40% of the EU’s energy and spits out 36% of its carbon. Energy-inefficient houses explain a significant chunk of the problem.

Luckily, you wouldn’t have to worry about being a burden on the environment if you choose to build your home with us. Our homes are built only from natural, sustainable and energy-efficient building materials, which offer better air-filtration, and more efficient insulation.

We make most of our modular building parts in a controlled (and more energy-efficient) factory environment. Our construction process does not involve any toxic or harmful substances. And we also take extra care to recycle any scraps that remain after we’re done.

The Advantages of Choosing a Lindal Home

Safety First

Construction is no laughing matter. By one account, it is the most accident-prone industry in Europe. That is no surprise, as the work entails dangerous on-site manufacturing and building at great heights.

No one wants to see someone hurt themselves in the process of building them a home. That’s why we take the enforcement of safety regulations and protocols very seriously, and that’s why our team takes every precaution available to protect themselves and their peers from dangers on the construction site.

Additionally, although not as prevalent, there is a question of theft and vandalism. Experience suggests that it is best to insure yourself against the risks. That’s why during the construction process, we ensure that the building site is protected by security services, CCTVs and reliable alarm systems.

Streamlined Construction Process

If you ever observed the horror of a noisy and bustling construction site, you know exactly what most would, rightly, choose to avoid. Trucks with equipment hurtling in and out, a number of building materials scattered everywhere, distractions and, of course, the unbearable noise, which sends shivers down the spine.

Constructing your home with us, meanwhile, is a much more smooth and well-organised process. By rigorously planning in advance, we avoid unnecessary truck trips, as we only bring what is necessary for your chosen design. The atmosphere is productive. The construction process is continuous as our teams work in shifts. And you won’t find any unnecessary loose parts lying anywhere.

Moreover, as we build from wood, most of the grunt work has been taken away from the cold and damp conditions of the construction site. We can manufacture a significant number of parts in indoors factories, in line with high engineering standards.

We are sure your new home will withstand the test of time, but just in case, we also offer all of our clients a lifetime warranty for our design of the structures.

The Advantages of Choosing a Lindal Home

To learn more about the home of your dreams, visit Cedarhomes.eu and explore a number of unique design solutions for everyone’s budget and for everyone’s need.